What's behind the Alexandrite birthstone?
An alternative to the pearl and moonstone, alexandrite is another option for the June birthstone. Interestingly, alexandrite is also known as the Friday Gemstone or the stone of “Friday’s Child” in reference to the old nursery rhyme (Friday's child, loving and giving…). The reason behind this is unclear. Alexandrite has a rating of 8.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, meaning that it is one of the hardest gemstones around.
A Brief History
Alexandrite is quite rare and a relative newcomer to the gemstone world, as it was discovered as recently as the 19th century. A common fable tells us that alexandrite was first encountered in an emerald mine in the Ural Mountains in Russia. Initially, the miners thought it was an emerald, but later that evening at the campfire, they noticed the gemstone changing colors. In the morning, the alexandrite had changed its color again, and that’s when the miners realized that this was no emerald and that a strange and mystifying gemstone had been unearthed. All this took place on the birthday of Prince Alexander II, by the way. Hence the name, Alexandrite.
Nowadays, most alexandrite is mined in Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Eastern Africa, although the color of these stones is not nearly as vivid as those once found in the Ural Mountains.
The most distinctive trait of the alexandrite is the chameleon-like ability to change from different shades of green to various shades of red in the presence of artificial light or candlelight. The more extreme the color change, the more valuable the alexandrite. As well, the denser the stone’s color, the more desirable (and expensive) it can be.
The Birthstone
When we are born, each of the elements of the universe are aligned in particular configurations. Since everything is connected, (as it is above so it is below) the stars and planets are situated in ways that will have both positive and negative influences on our lives.
Integral in these constellations and formations is a distinctive set of stimuli and characteristics. As humans we have free will, therefore, we can choose to go with the flow and roll with the punches throughout our lifetimes, or we can learn to understand the stimuli and how it operates, and then try to appropriately adjust our reactions to them.
In short, we have a choice: either accept it, or change it.
Our birthstones have been with us since Day One. They understand us, know what makes us tick, and are aware of our individual aspirations. As such, our birthstones can be like a lucky charm or talisman for us, should we decide to carry our birthstone in our purse or pocket, or wear it as a piece of jewelry. They also have the ability to clear negative karma we may have accumulated from past transmigrations, thus allowing us an easier, more pleasant experience in life this time around.
What an Alexandrite Birthstone Means for You
Alexandrite fosters romance and helps people find their soulmates. Metaphysically speaking, it can assist in opening the wearer’s crown chakra so that he or she might benefit from the love of the Universe and its Healing Energy. It is also believed that alexandrite helps people ‘lighten up’ and cease worrying, as well as alleviate mild depression. It can also strengthen one’s faith in a Higher Power and bring hope to the hopeless. Through the alexandrite’s ability to color-shift, it reminds us that things are not always as they seem.
This gemstone is also used to help develop intuition, spark creativity, and free the imagination.
In addition to this June birthstone’s numerous positive qualities, alexandrite can also be crafted into stunning pieces of jewelry. Traditionally, alexandrite is gifted on the 55th wedding anniversary.